Google Sphere : A Google Easter Egg

Well, if you were looking for a fun and exciting Google easter egg, then let me tell you that you search is over. What we have for you today is the best and the easiest Google easter egg game which is called Google Sphere. The basic functionality of this easter egg is to make you crazy and get your head twirled.

What Google Sphere does is swirls your entire search result in a spherical manner. Your entire webpage will swirl and even the elements would swirl in a spherical orbit around the Google Search button. Believe me, it is very fun to watch especially for kids. Since kids love to see rotating stuff, they surely would enjoy this easter egg game from Google as well. Now, without further ado, lets get going and learn how to view this amazing Google easter egg game and get crazy!

Google Sphere

How to view Google Sphere?

Google Sphere is very fun to watch and it can be done as follows:

  1. First you will need to go to
  2. Then you will have to search for the game term / this easter egg
  3. Now just select the “I’m feeling lucky” button instead of the normal “Google Search” Button
  4. There you are into the beautiful world of Google Sphere. Enjoy your visit here. Here you will see that all the elements are revolving in a spherical orbit and enjoy the madness and funk out there. Also, you can send this to your friend / relatives by sending just some random info they asked about and see them get mad getting their heads twirled!

Google Photo Sphere – How to use it?

Google photo sphere is an excellent camera and picture taking application which is available both on Android as well as iOS devices. The main ISP of this application is that it lets you take pictures in 360 degrees and post it onto google maps. This makes it a great fun while using this application. You can relive those moments through those 360-degree photos even while sitting at home.

Google Photo Sphere was introduced to add thrill to the life of travellers who like travelling into the wild like mountains, jungles or even space. Taking a 360-degree photo lets them take a memorable moment along with them of their journey. It would be a great way of reliving the moment after some years. You too can enjoy this application by downloading it from the Google Play-Store or the iOS app store.

Google Sphere “I’m Feeling Lucky” works?

Google frequently shows a results page with a list of sites according to your search when you input a term and click the Search button (or press Return or Enter on your keyboard). I’m feeling lucky skips the Search Results page and sends you to the website that is #1 for your entered search phrase.

Since the first search result is frequently the best results, the choice of the Feeling Lucky option saves you a few more seconds by removing the need to peruse the search results list again and again. Just click on the button after your search phrase has been entered.

Google has long been an industry leader in the marketing of products. They will try anything, even if it conflicts with established marketing methods. It gives them a major competitive advantage over their rivals. You may argue that Google is a multi-billion-dollar enterprise and not everyone can afford it.

To some degree, your budget has an impact on your reach, but you may sell your product or service without spending a lot on advertising as numerous companies have proven. Google took full use of the Easter Day event, in this case, to advertise its goods.

Google Sphere Easter egg

The phrase ‘Easter Egg’ has two meanings. One is an Easter egg, which you almost surely know, while the other is a function concealed in a design that is not immediately evident.

Easter eggs are able to take the form of a hidden feature inside a logo or hide films or games within a software code. That implies you have to understand how you can contribute.

Google Easter Eggs are a lot of fun to discover since they are accessible. Just enter the search query into the Google Search box and follow the directions for Easter Egg enjoyment. Google Sphere is also a such type of Easter egg. Some elements may work slightly differently, but we will keep you up-to-date. However, we should warn you that once you are fully aware of this addicting feature, your work routine may suffer. Goglogo, Google gravity, Google Underwater, etc are also in the Easter eggs list.


This is a very harmless prank you may perform for your friends and family. It may be obtained through Google Play. For a complete spherical function, visit the Google website by following the steps above. As you can see, the content of the website is completely spherical. They may also be interacted by moving your cursor over them.

Google tries to differentiate itself in the market via the shocks of Easter Eggs and April Fool’s Day, and it has proved extremely effective. Whatever industry you’re in, you have to do something distinctive to grab your audience’s attention. To be clear, before you use these marketing methods, you still need to have an excellent product or service.

These marketing techniques will not work if consumers discover that you provide a bad product or service afterwards. The moral of the tale is to create a fantastic product and use a distinctive marketing approach. If you continue like this, your chances of success will also rise.

These Easter Eggs are also a marketing strategy for Google to distinguish between them and rival search engines. It also helps you to improve user retention on the site. Which helps you to establish long-standing connections with your users. They also strive to improve their search results, thereby improving their user experience.