
Step 1: Enter your name below!

Please Use English Alphabets & Space Only

Step 2: Select Styles below(Click on Option Button not on image)

While using search engine like Google or Yahoo or Bing or Goglogo most of the time people used to see only one type of logo or search engine name. But people may get bored by watching same logo in front of them and want to change same it by something else. Even,  it can be a fun to change the search engine logo to something else other than the default logo. People may want to change logo to their beloved’s names, to various occasions name, to their family’s member’s name, to their company’s name, etc. People can cheers to their favorite Celebrity’s name or to football teams by putting its name as logo on search engine and can viral it in their friends and family circle or on social media.

What is Goglogo?

Now, first question in your mind is how to change the logo of search engine and “What is Goglogo?” and for what purpose it is used and it can help to chanhe the logo to your desired one? Gog logo is a search engine logo maker. Netizens also used to call it gologo, golo golo, googlogo, etc. Goglogo is a search engine which allows you to change Google logo to my name. If you want to change your search engine logo to something other than the default logo, this site allow you to do that in most easiest way.

Just visit Gog logo website and enter your name or any other word you want to put as search engine logo. After changing the logo to your name, You then have to set it as your default homepage instead of Google or any other search engine. So that it can be easily available to use every time you want to search something. The good thing with Goglogo search is that the results shown by it comes from Google Custom search. But, still Goglogo.info is not affiliated with Google Inc in any manner. Trademarks remain trademarks of Google Inc and other respective companies.

How to change google name?

Now, let’s talk about the whole process to change the logo. To do that just open the Goglogo.info, On home screen you will see several animated GIFs images. Every GIF on displayed on homepage represent a Style in which you can write your name on Goglogo. There are two steps involved in it:

First Step: There is a text box which have the value as “YourName”, instead of this YourName you have to enter your own name to change google name like image given below:


Second Step: After entering your desired word in text box, then you have to select the style(option button) provided below the GIFs, remember you need to Click on round option button not on image to select the style. Like shown in image below:

That’s it, now you will see search engine with your name is ready.

Set Goglogo as Home Page

After changing the google logo to name, you must set it as your homepage , So that every time you need to search the internet, you can use this Goglogo search engine.

Share Goglogo with your family and friends

If you are enjoying this funny trick or having fun with Goglogo search engine, It is the time to share it with your family and friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Whats App, etc. You can wish marriage anniversary(if some one really happy in his/her married life.) or can wish Birthday by putting Happy Birthday as logo and share the link to him.

Other queries people used to search Goglogo are gologo, Golo Golo, go logo, google name change to my name, etc